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TC Line: Women’s sports activities?

Women Sports

TC Line: Women’s sports activities?


Women’s sports activities?

(Regarding) Are there no ladies playing everywhere on this Saturday’s sports activities web page and every sports page prior? Are there not any pix of women that you could capture? We’re only a little uninterested in no longer seeing women on the sports page. Even the second page would be OK; however, the front page would be excellent.
Mueller Report

•I need to mention that the efforts by way of the deep nation and the Democratic Party to indict the president on trumped fees — pun intended — is the worst travesty in American records. The ongoing efforts using the Democratic Party to analyze what has already been vindicated by the Mueller Report is an embarrassment to America to the world’s relaxation.

• To all these resistance movements: Now that you’ve swallowed the olive over the cutting-edge news of no conspiracy, it is time to accept defeat. Better, but give up being sore losers. It’s time for the mass media to start reporting the reality. You would assume that CNN and MSNBC should get it right with their panel of so-called specialists.

Women's sports

• The Mueller Report isn’t always about “triumphing” or “dropping.” It’s approximately attending to the reality of the information. Anybody who is gambling the sport of winners and losers is honestly nevertheless in excessive college. Those are high school games, or they did not get the best grounding in kindergarten schooling.

Let’s be civil.

Politics isn’t always a win-lose playground scenario. Our intention as a well-functioning state requires a considerate, measured method as we hold a society reaping all the humans’ rewards, leaving nobody behind it. So permit’s all un-bunch our underwear, listen to every other, and keep cool heads. That technique is known as civility.

Bicycle space

A memo for our mayor: You may want to consider widening some secondary streets, including Francis, Martin, and Third Avenue. And if that can not be done, maybe you have to close off the alleys. And if there are protests from that, perhaps it’s time to ban bicycles.

Thank you

On Monday … A total type of characters offered my meal at Perkins, and I want to thank them very much for the flag bill: I see that the Legislature and the governor (are) approximately to (approve) the law to take a gun away from any person who is at risk of inflicting harm to himself or someone near him and call the sheriff’s (places of work) which are status firm for gun rights advocates. I can not accept it as true that there is no way to work out something so that the sheriff’s (offices) feel comfortable in imposing this brief removal of a gun from someone liable for causing damage to someone they love or even themselves.

I suppose the Legislature desires to move lower back to paintings and communicate to the one sheriffs … Before the governor signs and symptoms this regulation; it won’t paint if humans might not buy into it. Wrong sign One of Longmont’s citizens has a huge yard sign that reads “The humans’ president, Donald Trump.” The signal might be more accurate if it examines “Donald Trump, president for much less than half the people.”

Erika Norman

Travelaholic. Introvert. Certified coffee enthusiast. Beer expert. Web trailblazer. Bacon geek. Spent 2002-2009 lecturing about human growth hormone in Hanford, CA. Spent several months developing strategies for teddy bears in Prescott, AZ. Earned praised for my work exporting chess sets in the financial sector. Uniquely-equipped for working on xylophones in Africa. Uniquely-equipped for getting to know cannibalism in Salisbury, MD. Developed several new methods for developing strategies for wieners in West Palm Beach, FL.
